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Friday, 27 January 2012

Plot (Part -1)

Today, lets see how the script is divided into. The arrangements of incidents in a script is called a plot.

The term “plot structure” or “dramatic structure” refers to the parts into which a short story, a novel, a play, a screenplay, or a narrative poem can be divided.

Plot - Plot in literature theater movies

According to Aristotle's Poetics, a plot in literature is "the arrangement of incidents" that (ideally) each follow plausibly from the other. The plot is like the pencil outline that guides the painter's brush. Aristotle notes that a string of unconnected speeches, no matter how well-executed, will not have as much emotional impact as a series of tightly connected speeches delivered by imperfect speakers.
The concept of plot and the associated concept of construction of plot, emplotment, has of course developed considerably since Aristotle made these insightful observations. The episodic narrative tradition which Aristotle indicates has systematically been subverted over the intervening years, to the extent that the concept of beginning, middle, end are merely regarded as a conventional device when no other is at hand.
The main plot in a story is called the A-Plot. The B-Plot is another independent plot within the same story.
Here is the “traditional” Three Act Structure of any story:

(Boy Meets Girl)

(Boy Loses girl - fights against impossible odds to get her back)

(Boy Gets Girl)

                                                                                                          to be cont......................

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Features of a good film (Part 2)

Then coming to the most important part, i.e. the acting part. The reaction of the actors conveys more emotions than any dialogue in a movie. According to me acting can convey more than pages and pages of dialogue.

Now comes the top features of a film to attract the audience, the screenplay. Well, as everyone knows the more interesting, a screenplay is, the better the movie becomes naturally. So only screen writers spend days together to make a screenplay that's interesting.

Off course, it's the story time now. Yeah next is the story. If the story is good, then automatically everything will be good but as long as it is in the hands of a good director. The director is the captain of the ship. He supervises all the departments of the film.

These are some of my ideas of a good movie. If you have more to add, please suggest me.

20 More Real Pictures Spread Via the Internet

20 More Real Pictures Spread Via the Internet

Features Of A Good Film (Part 1)

There are a variety of films and different genre of movies portraying very many things but what are the real features of a good film. Is it the story or the screenplay or the cinematography or the animation ......I have to go on to mention a thousand things at least, but it won't end? Let's take it in a simple way. I think even before films and drama came into existence novels used to tell stories to people. What's the big difference one finds between a watching a movie and reading a novel? It's the imagination, in a movie we have nothing to imagine because everything is before our eyes but in a novel we have no boundaries for our imagination. Each one has an own way of imagining things depicted in the novel.

Basically, Cinema is a visual medium. So the audience should be able to understand the things happening in the screen even without any dialogue. So the features of a good film should be the things that is able make the people connect with the movie even without any dialogue. So what are the things that help the filmmaker to connect with the audience?

So lets go in this order,
Firstly, the atmosphere in the frame should be pleasant, then only the audience will be able to watch the movie at ease. This may comprise of good sets may be, realistic ones so that the audience can connect with it easily. If it is a period film, sets should make the audience feel that time period which the film maker wants to convey to the audience. So the sets play a vital role and convey many things to the audience.

Then comes the cinematography. The cinematographer must be able to convey the ideas of the director through his frames and lighting. Even lighting plays a major role in connecting the audience to the movie. There is definitely a difference between a horror movie and a romantic comedy in terms of lighting.