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Friday, 27 January 2012

Plot (Part -1)

Today, lets see how the script is divided into. The arrangements of incidents in a script is called a plot.

The term “plot structure” or “dramatic structure” refers to the parts into which a short story, a novel, a play, a screenplay, or a narrative poem can be divided.

Plot - Plot in literature theater movies

According to Aristotle's Poetics, a plot in literature is "the arrangement of incidents" that (ideally) each follow plausibly from the other. The plot is like the pencil outline that guides the painter's brush. Aristotle notes that a string of unconnected speeches, no matter how well-executed, will not have as much emotional impact as a series of tightly connected speeches delivered by imperfect speakers.
The concept of plot and the associated concept of construction of plot, emplotment, has of course developed considerably since Aristotle made these insightful observations. The episodic narrative tradition which Aristotle indicates has systematically been subverted over the intervening years, to the extent that the concept of beginning, middle, end are merely regarded as a conventional device when no other is at hand.
The main plot in a story is called the A-Plot. The B-Plot is another independent plot within the same story.
Here is the “traditional” Three Act Structure of any story:

(Boy Meets Girl)

(Boy Loses girl - fights against impossible odds to get her back)

(Boy Gets Girl)

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